The first blog of my little digital adventure.

Hi, everyone.

My names Mani, i’m currently doing the Digital Arts MA at the Camberwell College of the Arts.

Just a quick intro, i’ve got a politics, and history background, which is what i did my BA in.

Why’s that relevant you ask?

Well, i’ve always heavily been into filmaking, and have spent 4 years working in the indusrty.

This meant i picked up a great deal of filmaking know how, and technical skills.

So thats basically where my arts/creative side has developt.

I got to work on everything, from documentries, to short films, animations, and music videos.

But i wanted something that would allow me to marry my intrtests of filmaking, and politics, and felt i needed something more substantial than a documentry.

I therefore decided on a politics/news based social networking site (new media being of great intrest to me), the aim of which, is to encourage cross cultural, and ideolodical discussion, between young, intelligent, politically active people.

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